Somos ActivistasCreativos

Despertar la conciencia de los problemas críticos e impulsar el cambio a través de los medios de impacto, el arte y la tecnología: el activismo creativo.
Nuestra historia
En 1990, Kathy Eldon despertó de un sueño profundo con una visión. Su sueño resultó ser un proyecto para una organización llamada Creative Visions que "utilizaría el poder de los medios para ayudar a las personas a alcanzar su potencial, para ellos y para el planeta". Señaló que el hexagrama "Creativo" debería ser el logotipo de la nueva organización . Kathy también dibujó un edificio con muchas ventanas que casualmente se asemeja al edificio que alberga el Centro Dan Eldon para el Activismo Creativo y las Visiones Creativas en las costas del Océano Pacífico.

Lanzó Creative Visions como productora para crear "medios que importan". Su primera producción fue Lost in Africa, una película sobre la caza furtiva de marfil.

Después de la muerte de su hijo, Dan. ella y su hija Amy lanzaron Creative Visions como una organización sin fines de lucro para celebrar a "activistas creativos" como Dan Eldon, un artista y fotoperiodista asesinado a los 22 años mientras cubría el conflicto en Somalia para Reuters News Agency.

Somos ActivistasCreativos

Despertar la conciencia de los problemas críticos e impulsar el cambio a través de los medios de impacto, el arte y la tecnología: el activismo creativo.
Our Story
In 1990, Kathy Eldon awakened from a deep sleep with a vision. Her dream turned out to be a blueprint for an organization called Creative Visions which would “use the power of media to help people achieve their potential, for themselves and the planet.” She noted that the “Creative” hexagram should be the new organization’s logo. Kathy also drew a building with many windows that quite coincidentally resembles the building housing the Dan Eldon Center for Creative Activism and Creative Visions on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. 

She launched Creative Visions as a production company to create “media that matters.” Her first production was Lost in Africa, a film about ivory poaching. 

Following the death of her son, Dan. she and her daughter Amy launched Creative Visions as non-profit organization to celebrate “creative activists” like Dan Eldon, an artist and photojournalist killed at age 22 while covering the conflict in Somalia for Reuters News Agency.
Our logo is from one of the oldest books in the world called “The I Ching,” a book renown both as a book of wisdom and as an oracle. Originating in China, the “Little Book of Changes" has been studied by millions over the past two thousand years. There are 64 readings in the book which offer guidance for the changes we face in our daily lives. The first hexagram is “The Creative,” made up of six unbroken lines which stand for the primal power “light-giving, active, strong and of the spirit.” Its essence is power and energy. And its image is heaven. 

According to the original meaning, when an individual draws the oracle, success will come from the primal depths of the universe – but only by perseverance in doing what is right. 

Read more in I Ching, also known as the "Book of Changes,” the classic translation edited by Richard Wilhelm with a foreword by Carl Jung which provided language for the description of the Oracle and “The Creative.”
  • El Centro Dan Eldon para el Activismo Creativo
    La sede de Creative Visions está ubicada en el Centro Dan Eldon para el Activismo Creativo, a orillas del Océano Pacífico en Malibú. El Centro es un centro de actividad con visitantes de todo el mundo que se mezclan con el equipo de Visiones creativas, jóvenes "Visionarios" (nuestra palabra para pasantes), mentores con experiencia y asesores sénior. Las reuniones a veces son interrumpidas por los niños de Amy Eldon Turteltaub, así como por un sinfín de artistas, escritores, cineastas, escritores de todo tipo y mochileros desconcertados que deambulan desde la playa.
The Center includes a light-filled gallery with original artwork and journals created by Dan Eldon. With an expansive front room that offers views of whales and dolphins, a cozy living room, production facilities and free space for creative visions, the Center is a welcoming space renowned for synchronicity and serendipity. Visitors are encouraged to borrow books from the library or just take in the view from the expansive verandah.

During summer months, Creative Visions opens its doors for its famous “Sundowners,” a relaxed happening for our network of extraordinary creative activists to meet other like-minded people who believe that change is possible through inspired storytelling.




Amy EldonTurteltaub





director de Finanzas


Consejero legal




Jefe de Estrategia
Director de producción de medios


Director de Operaciones, Comunicaciones y
Legado de Dan Eldon




Director de Patrocinio Fiscal


Director en funciones,
Domina tu Mundo


Director general,
Creative Visions Global


Coordinador de programa,
Domina tu Mundo


Coordinador de Medios de Impacto

Ella Charon

Diseñador grafico

Sarah BethComfort

Productor Asociado de Medios

Junta Directiva
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